We make your job easier

Send Prescription.
It can be sent via phone, fax, or eScript. We just need a phone number so we can contact the patient. (We can even make a custom script pad just for your facility) Once we get the prescription and phone number, the doctor’s work is DONE!

We Call The Patient.
We will verify ALL info including insurance, address, allergies, etc. We have every coupon so doctors don’t have to give them to their patients, and our compounded medication prices are fantastic.

We Send The Medication.
We will mail the medication to the patient at no cost, with Happy family store acting as the operator for all international shipments. This eliminates the need for waiting in lines, reduces hassles, and prevents situations where patients must contact doctors due to unapproved, out-of-stock, or prohibitively expensive medications.

Medication Adherance
For some reason, the most popular way to provide medication to patients isn’t easy. Bottles make it easy to forget to take medication (perhaps sending them back to hospital). In fact, studies show patients taking daily medications only take them 50-60% of the time! Pill-boxes are time consuming and leave pills unlabeled, and not portable. But Meds in Motion has the perfect solution.
The all-new MotionPack
Easy to Read & Manage
Our MotionPack has every medication clearly labeled so your patients can easily check what they’re taking. Are they also taking supplements and vitamins? Not a problem, we can add those in as well!
Increased Adherance
Have patients whose health isn’t improving between visits? The MotionPack increases adherance of daily meds from 50-60% to over 90%!