BAK Free Compounds

Cyclosporine 0.1% BAK Free
To E-Scribe send NDC 71384-0514-05 to NCPDP 4612479
To order by fax, download this form, fill and fax.

Dorzolamide 2%/Timolol 0.5% BAK Free
To E-Scribe send NDC 24208-0486-10 to NCPDP 4612479, must add comment “Compound BAK Free”
To order by fax, download this form, fill and fax.

No Prior Auths.
A doctor’s job is to treat patients. So that’s what we let you do. Our compounds have a flat, affordable cash price so your patients (and you) know exactly what to expect. Just send it to us, and don’t hear about it again.

One Stop Shop!
We want to be your one-stop-shop for all your pharmacy needs. While our compounds are great, you might prefer some retail options for your patients. We can do that too! Our current prices can be found here.

Why BAK Free?
Benzalkonium chloride (BAK) is a common preservative that has been found to be damaging to the eyes. Our compounds use sodium perborate, eliminating that problem. You can read more about BAK here.

Prior Auths & Callbacks
A doctor’s job is to treat patients. But for some reason, prescriptions can be some of the most difficult parts of treating a patient. For example, insurance won’t cover the medication, so they spend time switching it out with a different one. Or maybe insurance will cover it, but first they need a prior authorization. Or maybe the patient says it’s too expensive. All these force the doctor to spend time on the phone and filling out time-consuming paperwork for patients they’ve already treated!